جملة التناقض Clause of Contrast

vendredi 17 décembre 2010

جملة التناقض
Clause of Contrast
وهي الجملة التي تبدأ بأحدى ادوات الربط التالية
(althoug , despite , even if , eventhough , except that , in spite of , much as , not that , though , whereas, while) حيث يستخدم هذا النوع من الجمل لنقض جملتين وكما في الامثلة التالية .
I used to read a lot although I don’t get much time for books now.
Though he has lived for years in London, he writes in German.
I used to love listening to her, even though I could only understand about half of what she said.
While I did well in class, I was a poor performer at games.
ويمكن استخدام (not that) بدلاً من (although) والنفي حيث تكون الجملة التي تبدأ بـ (not that) بعد الجمل الرئيسية دائماً مثل ...
I have decided to leave, although no one will miss me. (الطريقة الاعتيادية)
I have decided to leave- not that anyone will miss me. (الطريقة البديلة)
ويمكن استثناء الجملة التي قلت بأستخدام (except that) وهذا النوع من التركيب اللغوي يسمى بالجملة الاستثنائية (exception clause) وكما في الامثلة التالية  ...
She treats her daughter the same as her younger boy except that she takes her several times a week to a special clinic.
Nobody said a thing except that one or two asked me if I was better.
ويمكن استخدام (in spite of , Despite) في بداية جملة التناقض وكما في الامثلة التالية ...
Although I worked hard, I failed my exams. (طريقة اعتيادية)
Despite working hard, I failed my exams. (الطريقة البديلة)
وهذا مثال اخر ...
We had two more years of profit in spite of paying higher wages than the previous owner.

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